Appennino Tosco-emiliano is in the central part of Italian Apennine that continues south-east of the Cisa pass (Passo della Cisa). This area, separating Tuscany from Emilia, has real mountains. The highest are Monte Cimone (2165 m asl), … Read the rest
Sightseeing Tours
Rome best tourist attractions – Angels and Demons Sighteeings tour
1th stop: Santa Maria della Vittoria: Inside the 16th Century church is the l’Estasi di Santa Teresa d’Avila, sculptured by Bernini.
Santa Maria della Vittoria, Via XX Settembre: Here the Cornaro Chapel conceals the l’Estasi di Santa … Read the rest
Rome Itinerary – Angels and Demons Bicycle Tour
1st stop: Pantheon (from Greek pan ”all” and theon “gods” temple dedicated to all gods) with the semicircular dome its summit an eye, a unique source of illumination.
Piazzetta del Pantheon: The trip starts here at the Piazzetta del … Read the rest