1st stop: Pantheon (from Greek pan ”all” and theon “gods” temple dedicated to all gods) with the semicircular dome its summit an eye, a unique source of illumination.
Piazzetta del Pantheon: The trip starts here at the Piazzetta del Pantheon. In the film Langdon and co arrive just before the fixed time for the first execution.
Entering into the building, in front of Raffaello’s tomb, they realise they have made an error. Cross the threshold and discover the majesty of the interior, a cylindrical form with marble antiques caressed by the natural light which penetrates from the “eye” in the dome.
2nd stop: Santa Maria del Popolo, the restored church by Bernini, between 1655 and 1660 with its Chigi Chapel designed by Raffaello a century before.
Piazza del Popolo: The Santa Maria del Popolo church, hosts the Chigi Chapel, designed by Raffaello in 1500 and completed by Gian Lorenzo Bernini a century later. A sculptured angel by Bernini indicates the direction of the next Illuminating altar. Before continuing don’t miss the Crucifix of St Peter and the Conversion of St Paul, splendid Caravaggio cloths.
3rd stop: Basilica di San Pietro: We are in the Vatican City, where the Pope and his court reside. On the pavement of the square in front of the Dome is a wind rose.
Vatican City: Piazza San Pietro “embraces” visitors with the scenographic colonnade by Bernini. Around the central obelisk, on the pavement is marked the wind rose, with bricks and bas-relief.