Footpaths to discover Apuan Alps, jewels of Tuscany (1)

apuan alpsApuan Alps are one of the most charming and interesting in Italy for trekking, hiking, canoeing in the middle of the nature. Apuan Alps are not part of the Major Alps, situated in the North of Italy. Apuan Alps are in Tuscany, they are those of the finest white marble, extracted in Carrara, Seravezza, Pietrasanta and  used by such artists as Michelangelo.

There are many paths that can be carried out alone or with the Park Guides. However we recommend you to inspect detailed topographical maps and verify their level experience in relation to the route and weather conditions.

We start from the “Path for all“, located in Val Serenaia – Orto di Donna. This route has been equipped with Braille signs and special fences so that it can be used even by persons with disabilities, both motor and visual. That’s it, this is a walk that everyone can really take advantage of, with its historic features and typical landscape of the Apuan Alps.

One of the major and most walked through paths is that of  Pania della Croce. This mountain is considered the Queen of the Apuan Alps and is certainly a must for mountain lovers. The preferred period to go start from 20 of June, ending at the end of September. To start this path you have to leave your car in Piglionico,  in the town of Molazzana.

Starting from an altitude of 1150 meters you will get through a forest of beech trees. That is CAI n.7 path that lead you, after 1,30 hour walking, to the Rifugio Rossi. Here starts the path CAI n.126, that reaches the Valley of Hell and after another 1h and 30 walk, you will find a ridge and then the summit of Monte Pania.

Pisanino is the highest peak in the Apuan area and it is located in the municipality of Minucciano. Rifugio Donegani, about 5 km far from the town of Gramolazzo, reachable by car, is your starting point. Here you have got to take the path CAI n.178 passing through a deep beech forest which  reaches Foce di Cardeto at 1670 mt. Here the landscape is pervaded by giant rocks.

Following the path Blu CAI for about 1 hour more, you arrive at the foot of Canale delle Rose. Passing this last obstacle you can dominate the Apuan with a fantastic and unique view.

Image Flickr Creative Commons license courtesy by Adrian Fagg