Rome angels demons virtual tour

1st leg tour angels and demons: the Pantheon.
The Pantheon is a monument of ancient Rome, dedicated to all gods. The dome that culminates in an oculus is the only source of illumination.

2nd leg tour angels and demons: Santa Maria del Popolo.
Santa Maria del Popolo is an ancient church restored by Bernini, where is the Chigi Chapel designed by Raphael.

3th angels and demons tour: St. Peter’s Basilica, Vatican City.
On the floor of the St. Peter’s Square you can find the “Rosa dei Venti”.

4th stage Tour angels and demons: Santa Maria della Vittoria.

The ancient church of Rome is the famous “Ecstasy of St. Teresa of Avina” sculpture created by Bernini

4th stage Tour angels and demons: Fountain of the Rivers in Piazza Navona.
The famous fountain in Piazza Navona in central Rome, created by Bernini at the behest of Pope Innocent X

6th stage tour angels and demons: Castel San’Angelo.
Castel Sant’Angelo is connected to Vatican City by a passage fortified called “Il Passetto”

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